
Teaching Others About Manufacturing

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Teaching Others About Manufacturing

When you think about it, there are a lot of different ways products are made. From handmade baskets to injection molds, knowing how things are manufactured can really create a powerful difference in the way you shop for items and treat different things. For instance, it can really make a powerful difference to know how items are prepared, since you may need to make something similar down the road. You also may be required to work with a manufacturer at some point in time, and it will be important to recognize and appreciate their efforts. Check out this website to find out more about manufacturing.

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How COVID-19 Has Changed The Custom Steel Equipment Manufacturing Forever

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on many industries, and the custom steel equipment manufacturing industry is no exception. The pandemic has led to changes in the way that custom steel equipment is manufactured, marketed, and sold. Here are some ways that COVID-19 has changed the custom steel equipment manufacturing industry forever. 

Supply Chain Disruptions

The pandemic has disrupted global supply chains, causing delays in the production of custom steel equipment. Many manufacturers have had to find new sources for raw materials, which has resulted in longer lead times for production. The pandemic has also led to shortages of certain materials, such as steel and aluminum, which has driven up prices.

Remote Work

Many custom steel equipment manufacturers have shifted to remote work to protect their employees from the virus. This has led to changes in the way that products are designed and manufactured. With more employees working from home, communication and collaboration have become more challenging. Manufacturers have had to adopt new software tools and communication methods to ensure that projects stay on track.

Increased Demand

The pandemic has led to increased demand for custom steel equipment, particularly in the medical and healthcare industries. Hospitals and healthcare facilities have needed additional equipment to treat COVID-19 patients, such as ventilators, beds, and PPE. This has created new opportunities for custom steel equipment manufacturers to produce these products.

Safety Protocols

The pandemic has forced custom steel equipment manufacturers to adopt new safety protocols to protect their employees and customers. Manufacturers have had to implement social distancing measures, provide PPE to their employees, and sanitize their facilities regularly. These measures have added additional costs and time to the manufacturing process.

Virtual Sales

With many trade shows and conferences canceled due to the pandemic, custom steel equipment manufacturers have had to shift to virtual sales and marketing. This has led to the adoption of new digital marketing strategies, such as social media advertising, email marketing, and webinars. Manufacturers have also had to invest in new technology, such as 3D modeling software, to showcase their products virtually.


The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of automation in custom steel equipment manufacturing. With social distancing measures in place, manufacturers have had to find ways to reduce the number of employees on the production floor. This has led to the adoption of new automation technologies, such as robotics and artificial intelligence, to perform tasks that were previously done by humans.

In conclusion, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the custom steel equipment manufacturing industry. The pandemic has disrupted supply chains, increased demand, and forced manufacturers to adopt new safety protocols. Remote work, virtual sales, and automation have become more prevalent in the industry. Custom steel equipment manufacturers have had to adapt quickly to these changes to continue to meet the needs of their customers. While the pandemic has presented many challenges for the industry, it has also created new opportunities for growth and innovation. The custom steel equipment manufacturing industry will continue to evolve as the world recovers from the pandemic.

Contact a custom steel equipment manufacturing company to learn more.